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  • Building a Data Quality Program from the Ground Up

Building a Data Quality Program from the Ground Up

  • 20 Apr 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • Online

An organization’s data quality activities are frequently left to individual projects; some projects approach quality improvements proactively and thoroughly, and some projects are reactive and incomplete. This ad hoc approach results in higher costs, quality gaps in shared data, and inconsistent reporting and analytics. Also, tool sets proliferate, systematic monitoring is rare, and funding to expand sound practices can be hard to obtain — e.g., “What do you mean, a Data Quality Program?”

Voila! There is a fast-track, inexpensive path, starting with a small pilot project, which achieves the goal of creating reusable processes, standards, reporting, and governance — enterprise work products — that can be reused across the entire organization. This presentation will describe a powerful program management approach, with activity steps and deliverables, to achieve:

  • Immediate tactical results for a small, shared data set
  • Enhanced governance engagement for quality improvements
  • Reusable data quality processes, standards, reporting templates
  • Quality metrics and dashboards
  • Justification and starting point for the Data Quality Strategy
click here for watch the event in  Youtube:

    Melanie Mecca, CEO of DataWise Inc., is the world’s leading authority on Enterprise Data Management Assessments, the Data Management Maturity (DMM) SM Model, benchmarking, and strategic roadmaps. Her expertise in evaluating, designing, and implementation of data management programs has empowered clients in all industries to accelerate their success. Formerly CMMI Institute’s Director of Data Management, she was managing author of the DMM and has led 35+ Assessments, resulting in rapid capability implementation. DataWise provides in-depth instructor-led courses, Building EDM Capabilities and Enterprise Data Management Expert, highly interactive with case studies and numerous team exercises. We also offers a suite of eLearning courses for organizations, aimed at imparting key concepts and hands-on practical skills to a broad staff audience, elevating the organization’s knowledge and fostering collaboration. Stakeholder education is the key to data management excellence. Visit to find out ‘What GOOD Looks Like.”

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